Chemical Engineering Software

Chemical Engineering Software
Chemical Engineering Software

Chemical Engineering Software

Chemical Engineering Software

Most widely used software in the chemical engineering plant for simulation the plant operation proceed & design calculation for various equipment’s.

  • Aspen Hysys
  • Chemcad
  • DWsim
  • Apmonitor

ASPEN Hysys:

Aspen gives opportunity to learn basic & advanced simulation calculation for plant design & operational purpose. Aspen Hysys is quite good utility conceptual simulation software which used in the chemical engineering fields such as chemical lines or refinery. Aspen Hysys is most widely used simulation program across the globe which facilitates different types of calculations.

  • Mass & heat balance of particular component.
  • Design Sizing of equipment ( Separator, Heat exchangers)
  • Pressure relief valve sizing & Other types of valves.

Aspen Hysys is an advanced sizing tool which is based on the proven Technology.

Salient features of ASPEN Hysys:

  • Easy to Operate: Aspen tool gives advantage or has ability to create PFD’s for better understanding of the process plant operational concepts for plant design or personal practices great user interface software.
  • Thermodynamics Function: Aspen offer the high standard calculation practice with respect to related concepts. Aspen offers great compatibility in calculation about the physical property & Transport Phenomena of liquid & gas (about their region with respect to process condition & operating parameters).
  • Unit operation Concepts: Aspen Provides the calculation which includes almost all unit operation process such as separation, heating division, transportation (separator, heat exchanger) & rotating equipment as well.
  • Provide option for Heat exchanger Sizing: complied with option such as heat exchanger Sizing based on their types.
  • Aspen interfaces links with TASC for shell & tube heat exchanger design.
  • Links with MUSE for multi pass exchanger design.
  • Links to ACOL for air coolers.

Aspen links to their trademark network for further design programming.


  • Ensures safe margin calculation & plant design procedures consideration.
  • Increased plant reliability
  • Resolution of complex design & field problems.


DWsim is an essential software served as open source software which is used in chemical engineering. DWsim is usually designed or based on the .NET & mono platform functions which gives good user experience during simulation techniques. DWsim is developed by Daniel Medeiros.

DWsim can work in operating system (Os) such as windows, linux, MacOs, Android & iOS. DWsim provides equipment sizing of unit process involved operation such as separators, heat exchanger, rotating equipment – pumps.

DWSim is also compatible graph plotting abilities. DWsim allows to import the databases of the other companies instead of its own databases. This software gives identical result in comparison to the other commercial simulation packages.

DWSim capable in calculation of unit operation process such as Separator, pumps, compressor, DWsim designed by the Daniel Wagner works on the different operating system window, Linux, MacOs.

Mathworks MATLAB:

Mathworks MATLAB primarily launched in 1984. MATLAB is numeric computing program which operates in Os system windows, MacOs, Linux. MATLAB is designed by the Developer named Cleve moler.

Mathworks MATLAB uses programming language. MATLAB software simply works over the script & function terms which is received after the division of .m files. A script is is defined as the no of Operation to be performed based on their sequence number. Function may be defined as the term which is used to resolve the equations which can be differential equations. MATLAB software has capability of plotting the equation which uses in case to solve the algebraic expressions equation.

Few examples of MATLAB software process:

  • Used in the mass, energy, momentum transfer: transported phenomena indicates the different religion for gases & liquids that may uses the over the concept of partial differential equation.
  • Distillation column purpose: uses the McCabe Thiele method for identification of no of tray inside the column for any binary system.
  • Alternate equipment Sizing options: Heat exchanger, pumps, valves.

Utility & features of Mathworks MATLAB:

  • Keep source code safe from reaching out of other: after sharing the coding files to other it can grant access to user for accessing content or commands, or files for design & implementation with disturbing the source code (original sender files).
  • Gives option of scheduled commands execution:  an timer object which is used for the commands release as per the pre feeded time basis.
  • Exception handling: Exception handling can be done during the error found which can be verified through the check in methods for programming & ensures the safe operation of the particular program commands.
  • Hyperlink addition ability: compatibility with hyperlink add ons gives option to run over them.

Reference:- Wiki, Inforside

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